About this project Tags Networks Narrative is the "Interdisciplinary application of experimental social software to the study of narrative in digital contexts," project. It is a unique speculative project assessing the potential for collaborative social-software techniques such as folksonomy in narrative research. The project explores:
The project is based in the Institute of Creative Technologies (IOCT) at De Montfort University, Leicester UK and is and funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Board from October 2006-September 2007. The project team consisted of Professor Sue Thomas, Simon Mills and Bruce Mason. In this website, for the sake of convenience, we have referred to this project as "Tags, Networks, Narrative" or "TNN" but please note that this is just an informal name. |
Project Activities |
Project Blog The Project Blog (TNN) is an environment for an informal discussion of issues around the project. As the project is now ended, there will be no further updates posted on the blog but it will continue to be hosted in order to provide a record of the discussions.. |
Tagging Study This was a study which ran earlier in the project in which the participants tagged a set of urls using the social bookmarking site Del.icio.us. The aim was to examine how the participants tagged, the choices they made, their reasons why and the patterns that emerged. |
Dissemination We are strongly committed to ensuring that the work of this project is widely disseminated among academics and non-academics alike. A consolidated list of all disseminated materials can be found in the Dissemination page. |
Resources A list of key researchers, practitioners and organisations involved with narratives in a digital context can be found in the Links page. |
Exploring the use of social software in digital narrative research
- Tagging as a form of communication
- Folksonomy as an emergent knowledge network
- Narrative as a common ground.
This website presents information about and documents pertaining to the Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded project "Interdisciplinary applications of experimental social software to the study of narrative in digital contexts." The project ran from 1st October 2006 to 30th September 2007 and was hosted at the Institute of Creative Technologies (IOCT), De Montfort University.