About the IOCT
The IOCT was founded in 2006 by Professor Andrew Hugill, who was its Director until 2012. The present Director is Professor Ernest Edmonds.
In its history, it has initiated over 100 collaborative research projects involving over 100 researchers, worth nearly £7 million. The IOCT comprises:
- a network of partner Research Centres and Groups embedded in the Faculties of De Montfort University.
- a programme of research projects, events, and activities, benefiting from a collection of showcase facilities and a laboratory hub.
- a number of key industrial and commercial partners, and strong links with local, national and international creative industries.
- a small core team of visiting and permanent staff.
IOCT Partners
Faculty of Art, Design and Humanities
- Photographic Studies and Creative Imaging (Head: Prof S Brown)
- Design and New Product Development (Head: Dr P Ford)
- Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre (Head: Prof L Landy)
- Transliteracy Research Group (Head: Prof S Thomas)
- Centre for Excellence in Performance Arts (Head: R Brannen)
- Centre for Adaptations (Head: Dr D Cartmell)
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
- Pharmaceutical Technologies Research Group (Head: Prof J Taylor)
- Centre for Social Action (Head: Dr J Fleming)
- Applied Social Sciences: Psychology (Head: Dr S Lyttle)
- Mary Seacole Research Centre (Head: Prof M Johnson)
Faculty of Technology
- Software Technology Research Lab (Head: Prof H Zedan)
- Centre for Computational Intelligence (Head: Prof R John)
- Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility (Head: Prof B Carsten-Stahl)
- Imaging and Displays Research Group (Head: Dr I Sexton)
- Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development (Director: Prof P Fleming)
IOCT Groups
- Pervasive Media Group (Head: Prof M Rieser)
- Digital Opera Research Group (Head: Prof A Hugill)
The Director, Institute of Creative Technologies,
De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH
Tel: (+44) 0116 250 6146
Email: eedmonds [at] dmu.ac.uk