Student Profile: Danny Dursely
I have a BA (Hons) in Music, Technology and Innovation from De Montfort University. I come from a composition background but have branched out into sound design and photography.
I chose the IOCT Masters as I felt I would learn a lot more than if I did a Masters in one specific discipline area. The IOCT Masters program had a lot more to offer than your typical MA degree. I felt that by the end of the degree I had would have a well-rounded view of what I hoped to do in the future.
The broad scope of the course allows for much more freedom and this I feel is the most exciting factor. You have the chance to try out new things in a professional environment with the chance to be creative as well.
The sheer range of what is on offer can feel quite daunting and working in new areas can make you feel a bit overwhelmed, but the teaching staff caters for this and help you overcome any problems you may have.
In Advances in Lens Based Media we are currently making lenticular images. This module frees me from the confines of still photography to give my pictures a new breathe of life that I am combining with my musical background to create animated sound pictures that interact with the viewer.
After the Masters, I am hoping to continue with sound design but start to integrate different areas such as holography, interactivity and web design to create new works in different medias. I am hoping to set up an artists group with people from different medias to create works and publications that will be released to the public.
For further information or to be kept informed about the IOCT Masters, please contact:Dr Sophy Smith
Institute of Creative Technologies
De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH
Tel: (+44) 0116 255 1551, ext. 6864
Email: SSmith05 [at]