Student Profile: Dave Dhonau
I did a foundation course in Art and Design and studied Fine Art in Kingston. Following an AS level in photography, I completed a Photography and Video BA at De Montfort University. I don't see myself as coming from a specific discipline area - probably an overlapping of areas. I am sometimes musician, photographer or video maker, sometimes at the same time. Writing has also been a recurrent interest.
I chose the IOCT Masters as I wanted to see how technology can be used to inform creative practice and vice versa. I also wanted to take a leap forward in my own work, and hoped for rewarding collaboration and stimulating communication of ideas.
Producing holograms has been a high point in the course. Access to both technology and expertise affords many opportunities for exciting new work. I am also looking forward to getting involved with the Performance Technologies module. Getting to grips with programming using Actionscript has been a major challenge. While I would be lying if I said this had fully been overcome, I have at least been able to use these tools in a basic way, to produce a product I found satisfying. This was done through focussing on what I was capable of doing with the tools, and attempting to direct the skills I did have into experimental work. I am finishing my Flash project at the moment - I am motivated as much by my limitations as my ability, and encouraged by the response my work has elicited in viewers/users.
As someone creative who uses technology, emphasis for me will always be upon experimentation, collaboration and ongoing investigation. I see each piece of work as a step onto something else. I am interested in performance, in visual and aural composition and the moving image. I hope to explore the potential for interaction with technology. Practically speaking, this could lead to work in video, installation, concerts, book works, online work, or other unknown combinations of the multifarious media constantly jostling for our attention.
For further information or to be kept informed about the IOCT Masters, please contact:Dr Sophy Smith
Institute of Creative Technologies
De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH
Tel: (+44) 0116 255 1551, ext. 6864
Email: SSmith05 [at]