Student Profile: Zoe Allman
In 2006 I graduated from De Montfort University, with a First Class Honours in Media Production BSc. I'm very much from a Computing Sciences and Engineering background academically, but enjoy the creative aspects of my studies as well.
I chose the IOCT Masters as it covers a range of Faculties. I wanted to do a Masters but couldn't find one of interest that allowed me to explore my creativity whilst continuing with my technical academic approach to work.
I took a year's break from University studying to work as a Video Production and After Effects editor, which I enjoyed, but the desire to take a Masters programme continued and when I saw this course advertised I wanted to know more about it.
The most exciting thing about the IOCT Masters is the crossover between Faculties, the differences between approaches to work and the disciplines employed by practitioners across the University. Along with this, learning more about the opportunities available within the University and the facilities within the different Faculties has taught me a lot.
I have met some challenges, including getting back into a studying routine, having worked for a year after graduating. This was overcome by throwing myself back into the learning process, enjoying the opportunity of developing my knowledge and communicating with peers.
I have been particularly motivated by a project involving auto stereoscopic images. Having never studied an Arts course, I was a little concerned when taking an Art and Design module, however, everyone on the teaching staff and my fellow students were all very encouraging and we all learnt as we went through the creative processes together. Making 3D holograms is an amazing process, involving techniques that are only known and understood by a handful of practitioners around the University, adding an air of mystery to this art form. I've been particularly motivated throughout the Advances in Lens Based Media module, as it's really allowed me to express my creative side and learn about the technical, scientific process involved.
I would like to continue working with Creative Technologies in the future, either through working in a related industry or possibly through undertaking further educational studies in this field.
For further information or to be kept informed about the IOCT Masters, please contact:Dr Sophy Smith
Institute of Creative Technologies
De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH
Tel: (+44) 0116 255 1551, ext. 6864
Email: SSmith05 [at]