Student Profile: Mukesh Randev
A am a graduate of BSc Media Technology within the Faculty of Technology at De Montfort University with First Class Honours. During my time at University, I learned new skills and improved on many of my existing ones. In addition I worked on several small projects alongside my course that also helped me develop. I now have an extensive skills set, which I hope will expand through my further study. Some of these skills include:
- Cinematic Special Effects and Visual Arts Technology
- Stereo and Surround (5.1 & 7.1) audio production and sound-tracking
- 3D Modelling and Kinematics
- Stereo/Lenticular/3D imagery
- Web Design and Flash Banners
I would say my current discipline is very much a fusion between Technology and the Arts. Studying on a course such as Media Technology allowed me to engage my artistic side and establish an appropriate grounding in the technology that has allowed me to create it.
I chose to study on the IOCT Masters as it utilizes a multi-disciplinary approach through its unique Inter-Faculty crossover. I believe this approach will allow me to improve upon my approach to work and further develop some of my slightly more obscure ideas for projects where technology maybe be used as a form of art. In the program so far I was say the most exciting aspect for me personally is having the chance to work with students that have different knowledge’s and skills set to those that I have. Inevitably I believe this will help me in the development of some of my project ideas.
So far I have met a few challenges. One particularly noteworthy challenge has been adapting my method of communication. Illustrating some of my ideas to my peers had proved tough in the past, which has meant I have had to develop a more technical approach to explaining my ideas rather then the colloquial styling I had used previously. I can now communicate ideas in a manor that more suitable to the environment in which I am currently working.
One project I am working on at the moment is an Interactive flash application that is a conceptual evolution to the classic create your own story books that were once popular. The piece will incorporate stop-motion animation, stylised photography, audio and an interactive flash interface. The story itself, I am also writing and experimentally playing with the idea of mixing two genres, noir and horror, to see what exciting kind of outcome are possible through the use of new media technologies.
I would like to continue working with Creative Technologies in the future, either through working in a related industry or possibly through undertaking further educational studies in this field.
For further information or to be kept informed about the IOCT Masters, please contact:Dr Sophy Smith
Institute of Creative Technologies
De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH
Tel: (+44) 0116 255 1551, ext. 6864
Email: SSmith05 [at]