Student Profile: Viraj Bhatt
I am a music producer and sound engineer. I have a BA in Music Technology and have worked as sound technician in theatre and in music studios. I have also worked as advertising and marketing assistant using Adobe Photoshop.
My background is mainly music technology, but I have a wide level of work experience from the public service sector to security.
I chose the IOCT Masters in Creative Technologies as I wish to gain new competencies and progress my abilities as a creative individual. I wish to gain a qualification that may give me a better future prospect in the areas of research and teaching. I wanted to gain experience of different skills in the artistic world, both art driven and some technical thinking.
What I have found most exciting about the Masters so far is the idea of being able to use 3d projection technology as a means to perform my own created music and find a different method of expression.
I have begun researching into the technology used for 3d projection and the preparation process involved in creating a descent holographic image. I would like to either progress to higher research degree or would like to create a research proposal relating to my interest.
For further information or to be kept informed about the IOCT Masters, please contact:Dr Sophy Smith
Institute of Creative Technologies
De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH
Tel: (+44) 0116 255 1551, ext. 6864
Email: SSmith05 [at]