IOCT Masters
Student Profile: Aminu Dahiru Bobbo
I am Aminu Dahiru Bobbo, from Nigeria. I studied at De Montfort University earning myself a degree in BSc in Computer Science and Leicester has become my second home now. Most of my research projects were based on Emulating/Simulating computer networks. However, I developed interest in expanding my knowledge through creative purposes and innovating strategic ideas.
I come from a Software and Technology background, but I will like to refer to myself as a multidimensional personal. I chose this Masters programme mainly because of its multidisciplinary features and based on my experience with the course at the moment, I have already learnt a lot. What I have found most exciting about the Masters so far is my colleagues and the help I get from the IOCT staff. I would comfortably say the course has opened other possibilities for me to test my knowledge.
Communications skills and improving my creative skills are the main challenges. But I reinvented myself to become confident in what I do and expect failures and correct them appropriately through interaction and research.
Computer aided design has inspired me to produce certain imaginations that I haven’t thought possible. I have gained a lot from the module through 3D models and techniques for creating complex designs. I would like to continue my work in Creative Technologies in the future by simply innovating evolving ideas. Although most of them will be technological or software based, it will show some form of creativity and appeal.
Dr Sophy Smith
Institute of Creative Technologies
De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH
Tel: (+44) 0116 255 1551, ext. 6864
Email: SSmith05 [at]