IOCT Masters
Student Profile: Simon Kerr
I am currently working as a Senior Web Architect at Leicester City Council. I have a 1st class degree (BA Hons) in Interactive Multimedia from Lincoln Uni and previously worked at Monumental Games in Nottingham, producers of MMOG’s, as web designer. My work ranges from backend systems using .net c#, mvc etc, to flash animations using actionscript, to illustrations and graphics using Photoshop and illustrator.
I see myself as a mix of technical and creative. I always feel one complement and drives the other. I chose this Masters programme to enhance skills, open new doors, meet new people, make new contacts, and think in new ways. What I have found most exciting about the Masters so far is the diverse range of material available and the chance to do very technical projects (like the interactive media) alongside very creative (like the creative writing).
Juggling my time has been challenging. I work full time at work but over 4 days as I also look after my son 1 day a week. I have been funded to do the course but not given any time to do it, so I have to discipline myself, especially when it comes to giving my family enough time. Being organised and motivated is my main way to overcome this challenge.
I am about to start my Major Project, for which I have been doing a lot of preliminary research, as it is my hope to develop this into a business enterprise. I am hoping that a number of modules will contribute to this, namely, computational intelligence, business marketing and planning and creative writing. I would be interested in teaching on the program if my skills are deemed as useful and advanced enough. I would also continue to research and develop new ideas for my business idea.
Dr Sophy Smith
Institute of Creative Technologies
De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH
Tel: (+44) 0116 255 1551, ext. 6864
Email: SSmith05 [at]