Student Profile: John Crawford
I am a graphic designer and art director with over 20 years experience providing design solutions, strategy and consultancy to the corporate, cultural and publishing sectors. Along the way I have been nominated for three D&AD awards. I currently work at De Montfort University as a Senior Lecturer on the BA (hons) Graphic Design course. My teaching is centered on design process, the craft of graphic design, typography and professional practice. To develop my practice and research I am doing a Masters at the IOCT. My research interests concern the use of typography and visual rhetoric. Based on my experience in editorial design I am currently exploring the use of archived editorial content and the potential for readers to create personalised publications. My intent is to create an editorial portal where users browse, create, recommend and read. This could be seen as an exploration of the ‘long tail’ theory and of particular interest would be exploration of niche content. I cycle most days and think15mph is a good speed to think. I particularly enjoy cycling up hills.
Keywords: Editorial design, art direction, typography, usability, interactive, wayfinding.
For further information or to be kept informed about the IOCT Masters, please contact:Dr Sophy Smith
Institute of Creative Technologies
De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH
Tel: (+44) 0116 255 1551, ext. 6864
Email: SSmith05 [at]