Completed Projects
- Aibo Stories (Investigation of the creative, blogging and storytelling potential of AIBO dogs. Principal Investigator: Dr A Ayesh)
- A Million Penguins (The world's first wikinovel, written by thousands of authors and published by Penguin Books. Principal Investigator: Prof S Thomas)
- Amplified Leicester (Amplified individuals use social media and the web to enhance their abilities to sense their world, create shared resources and act collaboratively. This project explores the potential for such individuals to work across communities in Leicester. Funded by NESTA. Supported by Phoenix Square, The Leicester Mercury, and Harvey Ingram LLP. Prinicipal Investigator: Prof S Thomas).
- Audiotheque (A new media platform for sharing radio drama, in collaboration with the BBC. Principal Investigator: Dr R Watson)
- CREEM (Creativity East Midlands) (A network project investigating "creativity" and "innovation", including public dialogues and a conference. Funded by AHRC, ACE, DTI and ESRC. Principal Investigator: Prof S Brown)
- CPulse (A platform to support the development of creative industries in the East Midlands region. Funded by HEIF. Principal Investigators: Prof A Hugill, Dr X Chen, Dr R Weale)
- CSAGE (Collaborative Stereoscopic Access Grid Environment (Evaluation Partner in Project led by University of Manchester. Funded by JISC)
- CubeLife II (An artwork based in a virtual world populated by magic cubes, each created by participants' input; either online or in the exhibition space via a fingertip heartbeat sensor. Principal Investigators: Mr D Everitt, Dr G Turner)
- De Montfort Creativity Assistant (The De Montfort Creativity Assistant is a tool designed to help develop creative ideas in a transdisciplinary multimedia context, based upon the thesis that "creativity is an emergent property". Principal Investigators: Prof H Zedan, Prof S Thomas, Prof S Brown)
- DARBS: Distributed Algorithmic and Rule-based Blackbaord System (Software framework for building multi-agent intelligent systems. Funded by RIF. Principal Investigator: Prof A Hopgood).
- D. H. Lawrence Locative Trail (Enables locative exploration of Lawrence's Eastwood and other trails. Funded by MLA, REM. Prinicpal Investigator: Prof M Rieser.)
- Digital Writer in Residence (Chris Joseph was the first Digital Writer-in-Residence at the Institute of Creative Technologies at De Montfort University. The residency was funded by Arts Council England and was a 0.5 post for 2 years starting 1st September 2006.)
- EMMA: Electronic Media Metadata Acquisition (Innovation Fellowship. Principal Investigator: Prof M Rieser)
- Helium 3-D (Creating a 3D display that will extend the state of the art in autostereoscopic (glasses free) displays. The Helium-3D display technology addresses the effficiency and colour limitations of current and next generation displays by developing a new display technology based on direct-view RGB laser projection via a low loss transparent display screen to the eyes of viewers. Funded by the European Union. Principal Investigator: Dr I Sexton).
- Inside Out:
Sculpture in the Digital Age (A touring exhibition featuring
46 miniature sculptures produced in resin using 3D printing technologies.
Collaboration with RMIT, Falmouth University, MMU UTS. Proncipal
Investigators: Prof M Rieser and Ms C Smith (Australia))
- Flight Paths (A networked novel by Kate Pullinger and Chris Joseph. Funded by Arts Council England)
- Life-Space (Aims
to create a digital sensory room for therapeutic use in hospices
and elsewhere. Initial work has focused on creative
sound. Collaboration with LOROS.
Principal Investigators: Prof A Hugill, Dr R Weale)
- New Contexts for Radio Art (Focused on the development of new forms for web-based radios. Principal Investigator: Dr A Cohen)
- NLab (The Narrative Laboratory works with small businesses to respond to the opportunities and challenges of new media. NLab is experimental, piloting and testing new ideas and collaborating with small businesses to generate increased wealth for the East Midlands. Funded by HEIF. Principal Investigator: Prof S Thomas)
- Riverains (Pilot. Creates a story trail along Old Street and Shoreditch High Street, accessible through user's mobile phones. Funded by b.Tween. Principal Investigator: Prf M Rieser)
- RoboViz (Remote Command and Control for Robotic Emergent Behaviour - The Next Evolution of Telepresence. Funded by EPSRC. Principal Investigator: Dr A Ayesh)
- The Street (Installation work exploring the art of climate change. Funded by ISEA. Principal Investigator: Prof M Rieser)
- Soundson (The Soundson Project is a web-based environment in which composers or amateurs-students living in different countries create a common sound composition through an ongoing exchange of sounds. Funded by European Cultural Season. Principal Investigators: Dr A Cohen, Dr W Radkiewicz, Dr S Smith)
- Sound Organiser (Graphical sound manipulation software. Principal Investigator: Prof L Landy)
- Sounding Underground (This practice-led research project studied commuter’s perceptions towards their daily life soundscape in underground public transport systems, taking the case studies of Paris and México City as counterparts of the London Underground. Funded by the Leverhulme Trust. Principal Investigator: Dr X Alarcón)
- Stereo Bodies (A dance performance project working across the Access Grid Network. Funded by EPSRC. Principal Investigators: Dr H Bailey, Dr M Turner, Prof A Hugill)
- Tags Network Narrative (This explored the use of social software in digital narrative research. Funded by the AHRC. Principal Investigator: Prof S Thomas)
- The Third Woman (An interactive mobile film–game, updating post-war themes found in director Carol Reed's 1949 The Third Man Film. Funded by Finnish Film Foundation, Vienna Arts Council, emobilart. Principal Investigators: Prof M Rieser, Dr P Tikka)
Dr Tracy Harwood, Institute of Creative Technologies
De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH
Tel: (+44) 0116 207 8028
Email: tharwood [at]