Thursday 14th December 2006, 6.00pm - 7.30pm (coffee from 5.30pm)
The AIBO Salon
AIBO stands for Artificial Intelligence roBOt, but also means "love" or "attachment" in Japanese, and is a robotic dog designed and manufactured by Sony. At this Salon you will have the opportunity to explore and play with one of the many AIBO robots living at the IOCT, with help on hand from experts who have been using AIBOs extensively in their research, writing and teaching. What kinds of stories do we tell about robots, and what stories are they collecting about us?
Guests include:
Sue Thomas, Professor of New Media, De Montfort University
Steve Grand, founder of Cyberlife Research Ltd. and visiting Research Fellow at De Montfort University
Aladdin Ayesh, Senior Lecturer in AI and Robotics, De Montfort University
Cherie O'Connor, IOCT technician
Wikipedia entry
Sony AIBO corporate site
AIBO community networking site
The IOCT Salon was managed by Chris Joseph during his position as Digital Writer in Residence at the Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University from 2006-2008. This residency was funded by Arts Council England: East Midlands.