Thursday 5th April 2007, 6.00pm - 7.30pm (doors open at 5.30pm for drinks)
Low Brow Trash
Low Brow Trash (Graham Elstone and Thomas Hall) create contemporary artworks for all arts locations and festivals. The company is dedicated to the use of new media technologies in the creation of the artworks in expressing the ideas and themes of the work. Low Brow Trash is continually exploring new ways to utilise new technology as a creative tool and is expanding the way art is experienced by the viewer or audience by creating work that has an interactive element. Low Brow Trash work with film, computer technology, computer games, insallation and performance/theatre in the creation of their work.
Low Brow Trash
Low Brow Trash on Youtube - a collection of documentation of installations and short films created by Low Brow Trash and its members
Model Citizen
Model Citizen is a site-specific work that is ideally suited to a shopping centre or street. The work consists of a large projected image placed in a shop front/window and the images react to the movements of passers by, by using motion-tracking technology.
The work examines the concept of Model Citizen: are we born to be Model Citizens or are we manipulated into being so? And for some of us where and why does this go wrong? The work uses various reference points in life and transforms these into image statements that are then layered on top of each other to give contrasting views and opinions on the subject. Model Citizen works with layered imagery; a camera registers the movement of the passer by, they are transformed into a projected silhouette, this silhouette in turn becomes a 'window' to the second layer of imagery, creating a multi-layered visual language.
A public artwork that has the 'public' as the focal point.
The IOCT Salon was managed by Chris Joseph during his position as Digital Writer in Residence at the Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University from 2006-2008. This residency was funded by Arts Council England: East Midlands.