Current Funded Research
- The Old through the New (interactive layered views of modern and historical Leicester. Part of the DMU Square Mile Project. Principal Investigators: Prof A Hugill, Mr J Fishenden).
- Greenview (Follows on the successful DUALL project, funded by phase 1 of JISC's Greening ICT call. DUALL utilised a socio-technical solution to the design of a simple web based information-feedback tool that could report electrical consumption of ICT equipment back to users. Greenview aims to refine the ICT tool further into a more sophisticated smart phone application that connects staff and students in De Montfort to the energy consumption of their buildings. Principal Investigators: Prof M Rieser, Dr R Bull)
- Intelligent Questionnaire Methodology (collabration with the Centre for Computational Intelligence and Remploy. Funded by HEFI. Principal Investigators: Dr S Smith, Dr M Gongora)
- Leicester Digital Mapping (A cluster of projects aiming to create rich overlayed maps of the city's geography, environment and culture. Funded by AHRC and Leicester City Council. Collaboration between DMU, University of Leicester, Leicetser City and County Councils, and Infoterra Ltd. Principal Investigator: Prof A Hugill)
- Making Connections: Young people, resilience and the power of networks (Collaboration with University of Western Sydney and the centre for Social Action. Funded by RIF).
- New Insights: The Amplified Resilient Community (Funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Principal Investigator: Dr T Boeck)
- Pervasive Media Research (A cluster of projects exploring locative technologies and ubiquitous media, such as mobile smartphones with GPS sensing and wearable computing, which are creating a world where information-rich environments may be mapped directly onto urban topologies. Funded by JISC, REM and others. Principal Investigator: Prof M Rieser)
- Transdisciplinary Networking and Collaboration (research by the Transdisciplinary Research Group, including the Transdisciplinary Centre initiative. Funded by HEIF and Sleepydog. Principal Investigators: Prof S Thomas, Prof M Rieser, Dr G Basten, Dr K Jallow)
- Virtual Romans (Investigates aspects of life in Roman Leicester (Ratae Corieltauvorum) by creating highly accurate digital models of the known buildings and many artefacts, then populating the resulting town with virtual 'Romans' who will live out their 'lives' in this environment. Spin-off projects include the 'Timescope' augmented reality device, and the Virtual Roman Leicester Public Access Project to make the Jewry Wall Museum collection available in 3D via the web and mobile devices. Funded by Leicester City Council and the government of Mexico. Collaboration between DMU and University of Leicester. Principal Investigator: Mr N Higgettl)
Dr Tracy Harwood, Institute of Creative Technologies
De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH
Tel: (+44) 0116 207 8028
Email: tharwood [at]