Media Arts
LED Writing
1. Information
Kate Pullinger was commissioned to write text for the LED display unit that resides above the entrance to the IOCT.
The Director of the IOCT, Andrew Hugill, gave Kate the briefest of briefs for this commission: the LED should not display any information, which is, of course, the very thing that LEDs are usually used for.
From this brief Kate took the theme of my text: 'information'.
The commission lasted for a year from summer of 2006.
2. First Lines
Send your favourite first lines to firstlines08 [at] virtual LED here displays the text as and when it is added to the actual LED at the IOCT.
Kate Pullinger, Reader in Creative Writing and New Media at DMU, has been commissioned to write text for the LED display unit that resides above the entrance to the IOCT. The Director of the IOCT, Andrew Hugill, gave Pullinger the briefest of briefs for this commission: the LED must not display any information. Information is, of course, the very thing that LEDs are usually used for.
Pulllinger's new LED text project, 'First Lines', is collecting favourite first lines for the LED. Please send in first lines from favourite books, songs, and movies, as well as unpublished or unwritten books, songs, and movies. As the first lines come in, they are added to the LED at the IOCT, and also the virtual LED you see on this page.
3. LED Writing: I Remember...
Andrew Hugill has initiated an LED writing project iinspired by Joe Brainard's 'I Remember...' method, subsequently adopted by Georges Perec. Please feel free to email your memories to The memories can be of anything at all, trivial or significant, common or personal (but obviously not obscene or offensive). The message should begin with the words 'I remember'. A single LED screen comprises a potential 140 characters (including spaces).
Kate Pullinger
Email: info [at]