State-of-the-art Technologies
The Lord Mayor Project
As part of the IOCT Research programme into Three-dimensional imaging, Professor Martin Richardson (chair in Modern Holography) invited the Lord Mayor to sit for a formal 3-dimensional portrait
Prof Richardson assembled a team of four from the Department Of Imaging & Communication Design, consisting of cameraman Stuart Wade, lighting technician Jez Collingwood and student James Malbon, together with Prof Richardson who directed and designed the shoot. During the day a series of High Definition 3-dimensional movies were made resulting in a lenticular 3-dimensional portrait, detailed here in 2-dimensions.
The portrait will be positioned alongside the traditional representations of former Majors of Leicester in the Town Hall lobby later this year.
For further information about this project, please contact:
Dr Tracy Harwood, Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH.
Tel: (+44) 0116 207 8028
Email: tharwood [at]